Private Cloud
A private cloud is an operational model of cloud computing that completely performs operations within one organization. The big data and services stored in this cloud model are typically only accessible to employees of the organization that owns the cloud. In contrast, public clouds provide access and services to any type of paying customer that is not part of the cloud hosting organization. There are the following different factors to decide whether to use public or private cloud models.
Operational Costs
Startup companies often are faced with the question whether they should own their own private cloud or purchase parts of a public cloud. The latter is often done to avoid investing in infrastructure and hardware while the startup business is not fully operational yet. Even in later stages of the startup operation the cost of using public clouds can be significantly lower than deploying and operating an own private cloud infrastructure. Many large companies outsource their computing and storage infrastructure by using public clouds today. An organization faced with such a question should perform a breakeven analysis of the costs per months. In many cases one could say that the longer month the cloud is needed a private cloud becomes more cost effective. Short term cloud usage should be mostly rather use public cloud models, also because startup companies often not exactly know how much storage or computing they really need to host their service for an increasing customer base.
Security and Privacy
Another factor is security and privacy with respect to the data stored in the cloud. As the data is stored somewhere remotely instead in the own company buildings this factor is often also considered important. This may be senstive contact information or highly private organizational strategic documents or contracts. All of them bear the potential to lead to significant problems in case this data gets into the hand of competitors or the general public. Private clouds are therefore also considered to be more secure than public clouds. But studies also reveal that system administrators need to spend a long time to get those cloud infrastructure really secure. In other words it may cost to create your own secure solution whereby public clouds often already have quite good security experts.
More Information about a Private Cloud
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