What is Data Mining
Data mining of Big Data is an approach that uses traditional data analysis methods with smart algorithms for processing large quantities of data. It often refers to a process of automatically discovering useful information in large data sets using some form of a systematic process.
There are predictive and descriptive tasks in data mining. Predictive tasks
predict a value of an attribute based on values of other attributes. One example is predicting the species of an animal based on characteristics about this animal. Descriptive tasks derive patterns that explain a relationship in the data. For instance, mining shopping behaviour and unusual tranactions of customers might lead to credit card fraud detection.
Systematic Process in Data Mining
There is a well known systematic process called Cross Industry Standard Process for Data Mining (CRISP-DM). You can find more information about this process as a step by step process here.
More Information
Have a look at the followin short but good introduction video about this topic:
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Learn about a systematic process in data mining here: http://goo.gl/XTauPa
Posted by big-data.tips on Monday, March 21, 2016