Tagged: classification

Data Classification Clustering Regression Predictions Big Data Tips Tools Analysis Analytics Algorithms Techniques Groups Classes Mining Iris Flower Example

Data Classification

Data classification is one of the three key machine learning methods in order to make use of big data. One simple application example is shown below illustrating the classification of a flower type based...

Machine Learning Methods Classification Clustering Regression Predictions Big Data Tips Tools Analysis Analytics Algorithms Techniques Groups Classes Mining

Machine Learning Methods

Machine learning methods can be roughly categorized in three different areas in order to analyse big data. The figure below shows an overview of all the three different areas. Those machine learning methods can...

SVM Support Vector Machine Machines Big Data Tips Machine Learning Mining Tools Analysis Analytics Algorithms Clustering Regression Tool

SVM – Support Vector Machine

A Support Vector Machine known as SVM is a classification technique developed around 1990 for data analysis. They perform very well in many settings and are considered as one of the best ‘out-of-the-box classifiers’....