Tagged: R

GGPLOT2 Tutorial R Package Examples Graphics Line Plot Function Draw Graph Statistical Computing with R GGPLOT Axis Labels Figure Legend Lattice Tanh

GGPLOT2 Tutorial

GGPLOT2 tutorial refers to this short tutorial on using the ggplot2 package of the statistical computing with R tool in order to create simple plots of functions. A wide variety of machine learning algorithms...

DataCamp Courses Python R Tool Tutorials Big Data Tips Machine Learning Mining Tools Analysis Analytics Algorithms Clustering Regression Tool

DataCamp Courses

DataCamp is a platform that offers intensive courses for learning Python or performing big data analysis with R. But apart from simple videos there is an online editor that allows for putting in R...

R Linear Regression Analysis Big Data Tips Machine Learning Mining Tools Analysis Analytics Algorithms Clustering Regression Tool

R Linear Regression

Linear regression in R is quite straightforward and there are excellent additional packages like visualizing the dataset. This concrete contribution provides an example based on free data represents a short tutorial of linear regresion...

R Datasets List Analysis Big Data Tips Machine Learning Mining Tools Analysis Analytics Algorithms Clustering Regression Tool

R Datasets

R datasets provides a couple of free datasets as part of the ‘Statistical Computing with R’ tool. This page provides a list of available datasets and in which libraries or packages they can be...

Big Data Tips Machine Learning Mining Tools Analysis Analytics Books Algorithms Classification Clustering Regression Supervised Learning Unsupervised Tool

Rattle GUI for R Tool

While the ‘statistical computing with R’ tool is quite known since it can be considered as one of the most used data analysis tools it is less known that ‘Rattle’ offers a very nice...